Celebrate Yourself

Breast Augmentation Recovery – Could It Get Any Easier?

sexy young woman in  lingerie

If you’ve decided you want to get
breast augmentation, what are the next steps to take? First, attend an initial consultation at our office so we can walk you through implant options and schedule your procedure.
During your consultation, we’ll tell you what you can expect as you recover from surgery and start loving your new look!

Planning for a Smooth Recovery

Here’s the fun part – at your pre-op visit, you’ll get to try on sizers and get your first glimpse of what it will be like with larger breasts. This is the moment many of our patients are waiting for and after this, we hear many women say they should have gotten started sooner!

We provide a detailed booklet of information on what to do before and after surgery, and our staff are excellent at walking our patients through the process to make it as easy as possible. Here are some of the highlights:

  • If you live on your own, we recommend someone stay with you for a few days. This will help with meal prep, cleaning, and other small chores so you can rest up. 
  • Take some time to make an inventory of the things you use often, then, plan to keep those items handy by your bed. Here are a few ideas on post-surgery essentials
  • You won’t want to pull things on over your head for a bit, due to the strain it can cause. We recommend wearing a loose button-up shirt, but you don’t have to go get a new wardrobe. Borrow one from your husband, boyfriend, or friend if you can. Or if you don’t want to bother with lots of buttons, you can opt for zippers, or even wrap-around tops instead. 
  • You will need a ride to your first post-operative appointment, but you should feel confident to drive on your own soon after that. 

Good Decisions for Good Results

Our patients are able to recover quickly and start enjoying their new breast appearance sooner. Why? For starters, it makes sense to stay local for surgery. You don’t have the hassle of travelling before or after surgery, plus it’s very convenient to schedule your important follow-up visits. 

Another factor that’s super important is surgeon qualifications. Many doctors offer breast augmentation, but not all are plastic surgeons who are board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Dr. Kramer’s experience, skill and training all come into play in achieving excellent breast augmentation results for our patients!

So what are you waiting for? Now’s the time to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kramer. Call the office at 208-344-4900 or reach out through our contact page