Boise Breast Augmentation Procedures
If you’re unhappy with the size or appearance of your breasts, normal activities such as trying on new clothes, wearing lingerie or a bikini, or even stepping out of the shower can be emotionally taxing and can negatively affect your self-confidence. That’s why breast augmentation can be a life-changing surgery. You can join the millions of women who’ve found a new lease on life through the procedure.
Dr. Jonathan Kramer is a board-certified plastic surgeon who’s dedicated to helping his patients look and feel the way they’ve always wanted to. As one of Boise’s premiere plastic surgeons, he brings years of experience and treats every patient with the compassion they deserve.
Kramer Plastic Surgery serves Boise and the surrounding areas of Idaho. Call (208) 344-4900 today to schedule a consultation.
Update on Breast Implant Safety
In an ongoing effort to provide patients with sound advice and educate them on the choices and risks and benefits of procedures, Dr. Kramer has compiled information about the risks and benefits of breast implants so women are fully informed when making this decision to achieve their goals. Few medical devices have undergone the degree of scrutiny and speculation that silicone breast implants have. The majority of patients do not have issues with their implants and presently there is overwhelming evidence to support the safety of silicone breast implants.
You may have heard about or read media reports or social media posts about potential issues with breast implants. This is not a new concern but has been more visible in the last few years because of the prevalence of social media and its use to connect people. There is a lot of good information that is available on-line, but unless one is careful as to the source, it also can be misleading.
There are many benefits to breast implants and the reasons women choose them are as varied as the women themselves. A more shapely figure, self-esteem and confidence, or breast reconstruction are but a few. We encourage you to review the potential risks or controversies and discuss any concerns with Dr. Kramer during your consultation.
Select the links above for more information.
Benefits of Breast Augmentation
Women choose breast augmentation for a number of practical and aesthetic reasons, including:
- Enlarging small breasts
- Improving breast shape
- Potentially making cleavage more attractive
- Improving the appearance of asymmetrical breasts
- Restoring breast volume lost through childbirth, weight loss, or aging
- Looking better in lingerie and swimsuits
- Increasing self-confidence
Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation?
You should be in good overall health to undergo a breast augmentation. Other criteria that determine your candidacy are:
- Your age: You must be at least 18 years old for saline implants, and 22 years old for silicone implants.
- Pregnancy: You can’t be pregnant or breastfeeding at the time of your procedure.
- Weight: You should maintain a stable weight for at least one year before your surgery.
- Smoking: You shouldn’t smoke as it can impair healing. If you do smoke, you must be willing to quit before surgery and throughout recovery.
The surest way to find out if you’re a candidate is to schedule a breast augmentation consultation with Dr. Kramer. He’ll discuss your goals, explain the procedure, perform a physical examination, and develop a customized plan based on your physique and desired outcome.
Different Types of Breast Implants
Dr. Kramer primarily uses silicone implants; however, saline is also an option:
- Silicone: These are a silicone outer shell filled with a cohesive, gelatin like substance that is the silicone gel. Silicone implants have a more natural look and feel similar to breast tissue. They are less likely to produce rippling and they are also less prone to leakage and rupture, and they hold their shape better if they do rupture.
- Saline: These consist of a silicone outer shell filled with a sterile saline solution. They’re inserted into the breast empty, then filled to the desired size. This allows Dr. Kramer to use smaller incisions.
Saline implants have a slightly firmer feel than gel and are more prone to leakage and rupture, and more prone to rippling than silicone implants. If a saline implant leaks or ruptures the implant will deflate and your body will naturally absorb the fluid. If this occurs you will need another procedure to replace the implant.
Sizing Your Breast Implants
Breast implant size is measured using cubic centimeters, not cup sizes. This is a more uniform system of measurement because cup size often differs between bra manufacturers. Dr. Kramer will work with you to find the ideal implant size for your situation.
The optimal size for your implants depends on these factors:
- Your weight and height
- Your breast and chest dimensions
- The elasticity of your skin
- Your lifestyle and level of physical activity
- Your desired aesthetic outcome
Breast Implant Incision Locations
Dr. Kramer uses two different incision locations during breast augmentation surgery:
- Inframammary: These incisions are made in the natural folds under your breasts to hide the scars discretely.
- Periareolar: These incisions are made around the borders of your nipples. The scars will be hidden in the tissue around your areola.
Dr. Kramer has also been a Keller Funnel certified provider since 2012. The funnel is a device that allows him to insert your implants using much smaller incisions, which will dramatically minimize any scarring.
Breast Implant Placement Options
Dr. Kramer offers two placement options for your implants. Depending on your goals and lifestyle, he’ll help you decide which is right for you during your consultation:
- Submuscular: Your implants are placed underneath your chest muscles.
- Subglandular: Your implants are placed beneath your breast tissue and above your chest muscle.
The Submuscular placement is the most common and usually has a subtler, more natural appearance. Subglandular implants do not interfere with chest muscles and may be better suited for athletic women.
The Breast Augmentation Procedure
Breast augmentation procedures are performed on an outpatient basis using the same basic steps, though the specifics are determined by your choice of implant type, placement, and incision location.
During your procedure, you’ll:
- Be administered anesthesia and made comfortable
- Receive small incisions and have your implant properly placed
- Be taken to the recovery room after your incisions are closed
- Be monitored by a nurse until you’re ready to go home
- Have a friend or family member drive you home
Click here to see a before-and-after gallery of some of Dr. Kramer’s breast augmentation patients.
Breast Augmentation Recovery
A number of factors, such as your natural healing ability and the particulars of the procedure, influence recovery after breast augmentation. You’ll experience discomfort for a couple of days afterward, and soreness and swelling for up to a few weeks.
After the procedure, Dr. Kramer will give you a post-surgical bra to support your breasts. It’s critical that you wear this until you’re cleared to transition to a regular bra.
Generally, this is the breast augmentation recovery timeline:
- 1-2 weeks before you can go back to work
- 2 weeks until you can transition to a regular bra.
- 3-6 weeks before you can resume strenuous activities
The most important aspect of your recovery is following Dr. Kramer’s post-operative instructions. Your implants take time to settle, and your incisions take time to heal. Following Dr. Kramer’s directions will ensure your recovery goes as smoothly as possible.
Breast Augmentation Q&A
How do I decide on implant size?
Implant size is one of the most important considerations for any woman choosing breast augmentation. Dr. Kramer focuses on understanding the look and results you are expecting first, then discusses implant size (measured in cubic centimeters or cc’s). Dr. Kramer uses a Bio Dimensional approach to determine the optimal implant size range based on breast and chest width, tissue quality, and tissue thickness as well as your preferences for size and look. In this way he can guide you in making this important decision.
What can I expect after breast augmentation surgery?
Immediately after surgery, you’ll spend a bit of time in the recovery room so we can make sure you feel well enough to head home. You will be provided with detailed post-operative instructions regarding rest, activity limits, and care for your incisions. Expect to be sore for a few days and feel some pressure on your chest as the tissue heals. Prescriptions are provided, and over-the-counter recommendations are made by our office.
How much time do I have to take off?
Unless you have a very physically demanding job, you should be ready to return to work within a week or less. As far as exercise goes, at 3 weeks you can start to return to normal vigorous activities even though you may feel good enough at two weeks. You should start slow and gradually ramp up exercise and activities to your normal level. Strenuous upper body or chest exercises should be limited, and if this is a normal part of your routine you will want to discuss the timing with Dr. Kramer. It is important to allow proper time for your body to heal so that your implants settle in place and you achieve the look you want.
How durable are breast implants?
With the newest generation of cohesive silicone gel implants, implant failure is very uncommon. Implants do not “expire” after a certain amount of time and there is not a need to get them replaced at a certain time after your surgery. They, however, are not lifetime devices and you should expect (at some point) to have another surgery in the future. If you notice any changes or lasting discomfort, contact our office for an exam.
Schedule Your Breast Augmentation Consultation Today
Dr. Kramer can help you realize the body you’ve always wanted to have. He serves patients in Boise and surrounding areas of Idaho. Call (208) 344-4900 today to set up a consultation.