Choosing to enhance your breasts with silicone or saline implants is a way to achieve the feminine curves and profile you want. Around 300,000 breast implant surgeries occur each year in the United States, and the vast majority of those women are able to enjoy their implants for many years. That said, placement of an implant into the body still requires significant thought and care in order to ensure you are happy with your new breasts for years to come. Breast implant maintenance may not be something you are familiar with; it is important to understand your implants and lifestyle choices to be aware of when it comes to the enhancement of your long-term breast augmentation results. When you get breast augmentation, we will provide you with identification information regarding your specific implants. Implants are filled either with saline or silicone gel, with the majority of U.S implants being silicone. The type of breast implant that you have contributes to different care recommendations and monitoring strategies to ensure the long-term health of your implants. Keep your implant identification materials handy as a reference to determine proper care and monitoring. Routine breast monitoring is an essential part of breast implant care and can vary based on implant type. Becoming familiar with your new breasts will help you detect changes early. When it comes to more in-depth monitoring, the FDA recommends getting an MRI 5 to 6 years after your breast augmentation and then every 2 to 3 years after that. However, routine yearly checkups are recommended to monitor overall implant health and check for breast cancer. If you experience changes to the implants, such as ruptures or capsular contracture, it is important to see your surgeon as soon as possible. As you might assume, changes in weight can affect more than just your waistline. Substantial weight fluctuations of 20 pounds or more can affect the appearance of your implants. Weight gain or loss can affect skin elasticity, contribute to stretch marks, or reveal loose skin, affecting how your implants sit in the chest wall. As a regular part of breast implant maintenance, you want to keep weight loss or gain under 20 pounds after a breast augmentation if at all possible. If you have breast implants, regular monitoring and maintenance is essential to ensuring your implants continue to deliver long-term beauty and body-contouring that continues to deliver for years to come. To learn more about breast augmentation results, the different types of breast implants, and what you can expect long-term, call 208-344-4900 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kramer today. Mastering Breast Implant Care for Long-Term Beauty and Confidence
Know Your Implant Type
Monitor For Changes
Avoid Weight Fluctuations