Celebrate Yourself

Brachioplasty: Be Ready for Tank Tops This Summer

middle aged woman

Brachioplasty, commonly referred to as an arm lift, is a surgical procedure aimed at addressing sagging and excess skin, along with stubborn fat accumulations on the upper arms. This condition, often described as having “bat-wing” arms, can lead to self-consciousness, particularly during the sunny summer months when sleeveless clothing and swimsuits are in vogue. Brachioplasty effectively eliminates the excess skin, revealing beautifully toned upper arms that you’ll feel confident flaunting.

What Is Brachioplasty?

An arm lift is a surgical procedure aimed at addressing sagging, loose skin, and excess fatty tissue in the upper arm. Its primary goal is to reduce the circumference of the upper arm and tighten the skin, resulting in a significantly improved upper arm contour and appearance.

What Causes Sagging Arms and “Bat-Wings”?

When it comes to upper arm sagging and loose skin, many different factors can contribute to this condition. Weight gain, whether due to lifestyle or pregnancy, can cause excess fat to accumulate on the upper arms, stretching out the skin. As you lose this weight, your skin may not be able to bounce back, leaving excess, sagging skin, as well as pockets of stubborn fat that don’t respond to exercise or dietary changes. In addition, as you age, the loss of muscle tone and skin elasticity can contribute to the swinging skin you see when you raise your arms. 

Why Should I Choose an Arm Lift?

If you are struggling with excess skin and fat on your upper arms, diet and exercise may not be enough to achieve the toned contours you are hoping to achieve. While exercise can strengthen and improve the underlying muscle tone, it is unlikely to do anything for the excess skin. If you have done everything possible and are still struggling, brachioplasty offers a solution. An arm lift can eliminate the excess skin between your upper underarm and elbow while added liposuction removes localized areas of stubborn fat, resulting in improved contours and a smoother, more toned appearance. 

Where Are the Incisions and Will I Have Scars?

The type of incision Dr. Kramer uses depends on the extent and location of the excess skin requiring removal. Typically, these incisions are positioned either inside the arm or along the back of the arm, extending from the armpit to just above the elbow. As they heal, these scars tend to fade gradually, often becoming barely noticeable. Adhering to post-surgical instructions and regularly applying scar cream can further minimize the visibility of any residual scarring, leaving you ready to enjoy the summer months in your favorite sleeveless tank or summer dress. 

If you are ready to say goodbye to your bat-wings forever, Dr. Kramer and his team are here to answer all your questions and help you achieve the body contouring goals you desire. To learn how brachioplasty can help you say goodbye to excess upper arm skin and fat, call 208-344-4900 today to schedule your consultation. 

Dr. Jonathan Kramer

Author: Dr. Jonathan Kramer

A board-certified plastic surgeon in Boise, Dr. Jonathan Kramer believes that plastic surgery goes well beyond what we see physically, and that it can bring profound life-changes. He earned his MD at Emory University and completed a two-year plastic surgery fellowship at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Denver.